Abreu Solutions CHANGED MY LIFE! For the majority of my adult life, I have always had trouble getting motivated to do just about anything. I have started and stopped all my life. Never really accomplishing my goals. Most goals were left incomplete or half way done. Whether it was completing my degree, losing weight, exercising regularly or even as simple as keeping my house organized. I would start off strong and quickly lose steam until, ultimately, I would give up. Then a friend told me about Abreu Solutions. I figured I'd give it a shot because I had noticed the changes in him. He was way more positive. His attitude had changed completely. Instead of looking at the glass as half empty, he started seeing it as half full. Normally my friend was pessimistic about everything. Most of the time all we talked about was negative things regarding our life, our relationships, our jobs -anything. But he had taken the Abreu Solutions course and it really worked! It was like talking to a totally different person.
So I said, what the heck? Let me see what it's all about. I researched it, signed up, completed the course and am happy to say that I have changed my entire perspective on life! I no longer view my goals as this daunting task. I am no longer overwhelmed by them. Like Frank suggested, I now set smaller goals, all leading to the ultimate goal. I view each small goal as one more step on my journey to success and fulfillment. I wake up in the morning and recite positive incantations before getting out of bed. If a negative thought comes to mind, I immediately practice what was suggested in the course. It's all about PERSPECTIVE. I start to appreciate all the GOOD in my life. I focus on the SOLUTIONS to any obstacles or problems that may arise instead of THE problem. Changing my attitude towards my goals has helped me actually ACHIEVE them. I have never felt this fulfilled. I am actually proud of myself. I can look and the mirror and say "YOU DID IT"!
This course has changed my life and I would recommend it to ANYONE in a slump, feeling overwhelmed by life, negative and pessimistic. Try it. You won't regret it!
Abreu Solutions gets two thumbs up from ME!